2nd Clinical Research Conference

4th Clinical Research Conference

2nd Clinical Research Conference

Clinical Research Conference
“Clinical Research: A Dynamic Driving Force for Growth in Greece”

The 2nd Clinical Research Conference was successfully held at the Ethniki Asfalistiki Conference Centre on the 15th and 16th January 2014.

The conference was organized by Ethos Media S.A. and Pharma & Health Business (Ph.B) magazine on health and drug policy, and was held courtesy of the Hellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Companies (SFEE), the Pan-Hellenic Union of Pharmaceutical Industries, the National Health Operations Centre, the Hellenic Association of CRO’s (HACRO), the Ebea Pharmaceutical Forum Team (EPHFORT), the Athens Medical Association, the Pan-Hellenic Pharmaceutical Association (PFS), the Hellenic Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine (ELEFI), the Pan-Hellenic Union of Private Hospitals, the Hellenic Private Hospitals Association and the Hellenic Biocluster (H-BIO).

This major conference, entitled “Clinical Research: A Dynamic Driving Force for Growth in Greece” aimed to develop the environment and conditions under which clinical research can act as the driving force for scientific and financial growth in Greece. Despite the difficulties faced by the country, opportunities and prospects exist which could attract foreign investments and help break the vicious circle of recession.

The Minster for Health, Mr. Adonis Georgiadis, and the General Secretary for Health, Ms. Christina Papanikolaou, were among the participants of the conference. More than 450 attendees participated in the conference including representatives from various government ministries and other public bodies, directors and deputy directors of public hospitals, senior members of public and private organizations, members of the National Organization for Medicines (EOF) and District Health Directorates, senior members of pharmaceutical companies and major international pharmaceutical corporations, members of medical equipment companies, administrative members of medical and pharmaceutical bodies, academics, distinguished physicians and investigators in clinical research, pharmacists, representatives of patient groups and journalists.